Monday, June 1, 2009

A Commentary

What do you enjoy about being a part of the Second Life experience? I often get IMs from my SL friends telling me that there is so much to learn and experience in SL. It never seems to end. All SL residents have an awesome opportunity to help make this the best experience not only for ourselves, but for others who cross our paths.

Creators and Builders play an important part. I am always amazed at the buildings and landscaping that I find when I am out exploring. Whether it's something that mirrors RL or something completely whimsical and totally different.

Special objects like party invitations and gestures benefit everyone when they are shared.

Clothing Designers are also creating some really nice stuff. If you are looking for something really formal or casual you are sure to find something just right for you. Just take a look at the list of stores taking part in the Make Him Over Hunt going on now through the end of the month.

What sort of skills do you have? There are all kinds of opportunities in SL to learn about how to do things. No matter how big or small your dream is, just do a search in SL and go try it out. Do you aspire to make money in SL? The nice thing about it is that we are all able to explore those ideas and not have the expectations that RL can impose on us.

Got a secret fantasy or desire to try something new? Maybe you dreamed about a different type of job experience. Escort? SL offers everything from being a Neko, a Greenie, or even a Tiny to all kinds of Role Play options. Want to explore something a bit on the wild side? It's all out there for you to try.

I have heard that lots of people enter SL and get bored and leave. I often wonder why. Does it have to do with the learning curve we all have when we start? Could there be better help when you first arrive in SL? Yeah this world can be tough to figure out at times, but why do people put so much pressure on themselves. My partner Duke always tells me, "take your time", when I learn or work on a new skill.

This all takes me back to a lesson I learned from Jake when I first arrived in SL. "Always pay it forward by sharing what you learn with others." This is very sound advice for all of us that are in SL. So remember that when you come across a newbie and never forget that we have been there before too.

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