Saturday, November 21, 2009

Rocky's Birthday Party

Last night my friends came out to celebrate my birthday with a 1950s sock hop style. I had no idea this was going to be as huge an event as it turned out to be. Baz built a 50s style diner for it. Ritchie was our DJ for the night. He played songs with milkshake, and rockstar. That was pretty cool. There I am in the picture looking like Danny with the Pink Ladies (left to right) Tyler, Me, Rtich, Mikey, and Divos. Click the pic for a larger view.

After a break, I logged back on and headed over to Hunter's for FFF with the awesome DJ Syriana Paine. She ended her set and stayed a little longer and played some of my old time favorites from my very early days in SL. That brought back lots of great memories for me. Thanks sooooooo much. Love you all.

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