Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I said a prayer for you tonight

I realize that visiting a church may not be one of your "must see" things to do in SL, but I have been known to slip into one. I also have an couple of SL friends who attend services on a regular basis.

So the other night one of my SL friends mentioned to me that a relative was in the hospital. I don't claim to be over religious, but I do keep my connection with God open. Something led me to do what I did and take that experience in-world since I was online at the time. It was easy to do a search in SL to find one that looked most inviting to my need. I love that these places are pretty much open and available to us pretty much 24/7. Here is the SLURL to the one that I took my prayer to :
CATTEDRALE Cattolica S. Andrea Al Colle - LUCCA


Eddi Haskell said...

I think prayer is nothing you need to explain Rocky, even for those of us who are not quite sure what is out there, if anything, Connecting with your spiritual side can give you a purpose for living in this world- other than thinking you are a chemical accident with a bunch of protein matter. I find myself wanting to pray more, and enjoy visits to all sorts of religious places in real and second life. One of my most moving experiences three years ago was at the Blue Mosque in Istanbul- so peaceful, and convincing that Islam is indeed a religion of peace. I'm glad you shared your thoughts here.

Jordyn Carnell said...

Couldn't put it better eddi.