Tuesday, September 22, 2009

How REAL is your Second Life?

I always look forward to reading The Metaverse Messenger each week. Norinn Richard, who writes the column titled The Line: Studying the line between our two lives, always seems to offer great insight.

Here is a quote from his column in the 08/27/09 issue:

"Perhaps Second Life is the ultimate diplomacy tool. When you can't see the other person's stereotypical "outer" characteristics, you get to see who the person you are talking to really "is" on the inside."

I can certainly agree with this. For me it's all about getting to the core of who we are regardless of the form our avatar takes.


lemonodo said...

My SL is more real than I ever imagined it could be and I'm sure yours must be too. I am running for Treasurer Second Pride 2010 (hopeless spam, but consider this a door-to-door call) and I'm open to your ideas of how a Treasurer could do a good job for you, either just the job itself, or better represent you on the Committee. Hope you find this and contact me Mr. DJ.

Anonymous said...

It is kind of amazing how much it becomes part of who you are. I completely agree with that quote. For most, SL allows you to go right past those RL physical triggers to impressions of others and get right down to who they are. Although, I will say I know few who go straight to that First Life tab first.

You just gave me a great idea for the Guide. Thanks, Rocky!